FIRE & HSA: Can an HSA Help You Retire Early?
Retiring early seems like a dream come true. Why wait until your golden years to enjoy a life of...

Your Guide to HSA and Tax Time
Tax season is upon us, and while this is not a pleasant thought for many (if not most people), one...
Are You Choosing the Right Health Plan…and Optimizing Your HSA?
Switching to a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) can be scary. But you could be better off with your employer's High Deductible Plan, or as we like to call them, "lower-premium plans," paired with an HSA versus the traditional health plan. Determining the difference...
Why Should an Employer Contribute to an HSA?
As the Health Savings Accounts market grows, so does the conversation around contributions - from the employers and the employees. An increasing number of employees discover their HSA’s ability to be leveraged as a retirement savings vehicle. To maximize the impact of...
How to Boost Engagement in Your HDHP/HSA
In the past few years, enrollment in High Deductible Health Plans/Health Savings Accounts has gained popularity. However, the intricacies of the plan still create a lot of confusion amongst employees. It can impede them from enrolling, or if they do sign up for the...
How to Introduce an HDHP/HSA to your Employees
Are you getting ready to introduce a High Deductible Health Plan/Health Savings Account to your employees this year and wondering the best way to introduce the plan to your people? Fifty percent of employees don’t understand their benefits. Another challenge...
Why You Should Consider Adding an HDHP/HSA to Your Benefits Package
According to a survey, Human Resources became a place of trust for workers who were lucky enough to keep their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. While financial stress went up, the desire for better healthcare options, financial wellness, and financial literacy...
HSA User Perspectives: Sagar
Sagar is an entrepreneur who learned about health savings accounts (HSAs) through a colleague. After spending a few years using his HSA as a medical spending account, he now considers it a long-term investment strategy. SO: How did you find out about HSAs? How have...
Health Savings Account Contribution Limits for 2022
In May, the IRS released Health Savings Accounts contribution limits for 2022. These amounts are adjusted yearly based on inflation and announced in April or May, giving employers time to plan for open enrollment in the Fall. What are the HSA Contribution...
HSA User Perspectives: R.M.
R.M. is a local government employee in her forties who uses her health savings account to save on qualified medical expenses. She felt over-insured on her medium deductible health plan and decided to try out a High Deductible Health Plan with an HSA. Now, she enjoys...
HSA User Perspectives: Phil G.
Phil is a technology professional in his late thirties. He plans out how much money he and his family will need each year for medical expenses. The family sets it aside in a health savings account (HSA) to get the tax benefit. He is now seeing the added value of using...